Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 217 – Neil Grant





I strongly object to the proposed increase in wind farms across mid Wales and the associated high voltage lines.  TAN 8 is flawed, out of date and should be subject of a comprehensive review.


The wholesale imposition of wind turbines across this rural area is out of proportion to the benefits likely to be accrued and will cause a disproportionate degree of destruction and disruption to this beautiful and wild area.


I would like to particularly draw your attention to the awful impact huge turbines and overhead high voltage lines will have on the visual landscape and this will completely change the character of this countryside, in effect industrialising it.  There will be significantly increased industrial noise and I am concerned about the effects on people living close to the propose huge turbines.  I do not believe that sufficient work has been done to study the adverse effects of wind turbine noise and before any approvals are given a greater minimum distance from domestic properties should be enforced along with night time noise limits.


The proposals under TAN8 are already blighting property values in mid Wales and I cannot imagine a better deterrent to the tourism that is so important to this area.


Please support a full review of TAN8.  This was always an incomplete and flawed piece of work but the potential it creates for long term damage is too great to be ignored.


Thank you


Neil Grant




I strongly object to the disruption that transporting wind turbines will bring to our area.


I am a home based worker who by necessity travels out from Powys each week.  The prospect of being continuously delayed, diverted and generally disrupted for years due to the transport of wind turbine pieces fills me with dread.  So much so that I would consider relocating if only my property was saleable.  Of course one of the effects of the whole wind farm scam is the devaluing of properties across mid Wales.


TAN8 failed to take these issues in to account and should therefore be scrapped and started again.


Thank you.


Neil Grant